Today I’m going to talk you about my opinion of chilean education.
Well, I’m studying for “Playgroup assistant and elementary teaching”, the unique career of education in the Universidad de Chile, and one of my powerful reasons to study education, is because I think that in Chile, the education is an awful reality. I think that the school education must be a right and a obligation for all children in our country and around the world, and the higher education must be a right for all people that want it, without that this important opportunity depends of the salary, the social class, the place where you live, the culture you come from, the color of your skin, your race, or a lot of other factors that today the people discriminate.
In Chile, the education is only a profit and a business, with which the private company makes rich and earn a lot of money; and the government only still the inequality, injustice and not give to the people, the opportunity for the progress.
Really, the public education is very very bad compare with private education. Boys and Girls that studied in private schools can come to University without make a previous preparation and if they need this, they all can pay it; whereas in the state education, children and young people a lot of times have to work for help their families, in the same time they have to study in the school, and all them if they want to have a higher education, they have work again for pay a technical career in a institute, or some cheap private university or work more time to pay a previous preparation for the PSU and then continue working for pay a god career in a state university where is very difficult to enter.
The biggest problem of education is that only the rich people can receive this in the good way, and the poor people and the mid class have to resign with the bad education for their children and accept that they don’t have the opportunity for improve and have a best and decent salary, and our work is that we turns up an excellent professionals of education and in 4 o 5 years more, we work in public schools or state kinder-gardens, for improve the education and give this right for all the children and people that never have the possibility to study in a good and joust way.
About my education, I think this wasn’t good but this could be worse, but I was lucky because I could prepare my PSU, but I want that in the future this previous preparation will be not necessary and all young people have the possibility to enter in the University if they want, and they can study a career for their real vocation.
I don’t know a lot about the education projects and proposes yet, and I don’t know if this exist now, but I have all prospects that the work that me and all my classmates will make in the future, change a lot the life of the people who need us and the society.
I'm sorry about the extension of my text :( jajaja but this is only a little part of all that I think about education! I'm studying this and the reasons are infinity...
ResponderEliminarI want the best for my future students and for my children too!
wow a wonderful picture
ResponderEliminarand you have a reason need a best education for our country!!!
hi vane:
ResponderEliminarexcelent word,
I love it. All that you wrote here is the true about the education`s quality and if we will be teacher in elementary school is necessary change something thing and to try to best the education and give the opportunity to poor child for study with good education too and go on of their social situation.
see you
Hi Vane! I think similar to you because is really bad that only who has good economic recourses.
ResponderEliminarI like your picture so much jajaja
see you, kisses!