During the English class, we made a lot of posts in our blogs, and about this, my opinion is that this activity was the most fruitful experience into the English class; because we could learned a lot of new vocabulary, working with the verbs in different times, writing long texts about my opinion of different topics, etc.
Definitely I enjoyed this experience and more than this; I like so much this practice because I love so much to write about what I think about any topics that someone raise me.
I think that this time of classes making posts help me a lot to improve my English, especially my vocabulary, because I have a very bad memory and I forgot a lot of words in English that I learned in the school some years ago; but this activity using the:“3w.wordreference.com” can remember me a lot of verbs, words, concepts, etc. and I could known a lot of new things with a lot of freedom.
I thing that one of the advantages is that our partners and classmates can give their opinion about our posts and the blog in general, and in this way you can know what are your mistakes an errors in your English use. Another advantage of this is that the teacher can know which are our difficult and in which areas we are more defenceless and complicated; and with this tool she can help us in the best way.
One disadvantage is that we never know if all that we write in the blogs is properly wrote, because during the course the teacher never says us if the posts are good write or if are not. Other of the disadvantages is that maybe some students of the class have a good level to the “writing capacity” and they are only applying their knowledge and other students maybe are very low in the “writing level” and they only use the “wordreference” and they aren’t learning how write in a good way.
But, in general I thing that is a very good practice and I think that I learned a lot of things with this and I like so much to write posts, because is very entertaining and in the same time I’m learning new “English things”.