About her blog, I can see that she has a lot of ease to express her feeling and thinking with words. I know a little to Francisca and I know that when she want to say something talking to our group, this is very difficult for her, and this is not about shyness, because she has a good personality to stand up in front of all and talk what she think, but when she is communicating she star to complicate and she lose the conversation thread; but when she write, she can express very good what she want to say about something; yes we know that the English is difficult for all us, but in general I think that she feels very confidence when she write.
One features that I like about her blog, is that her pictures choice are very beautiful and interesting, I think that she never took any picture at random, in the contrary, she look for a lot of pictures and she select very good which is the best. Another feature that is interesting for me, specially because is something very difficult to me, is that Francisca can summarize all that she think about some topic and write in few lines all that she want; but I like a lot to write and all the times I write and write and write a lot about all.
About her English, I think that she has to improve the use of the verb times and the correct use of the pronouns, because in some posts she want to say: “His name is Lucho” (the name of her dog), and she said “Your name is Lucho”; and the last thing is that she need to improve her capacity to reverse the order of the verbs in comparison with how we use this in Spanish and the difference to use in English.
My favorite post is: “My best friend is a street guide dog” about her best friend, her dog. I think that is very lovely that your best friend can be your pet. I think that the dogs are especially good friends and faithful with the humans, but for a good animal friend I think that the best is a stray dog.
For the end, I can say that this is a very interesting blog, about a lot of different things where I can know a lot of new things about my education classmate called Francisca Beytia. After to read all her blog I say that I like so much this time and I think that Fran is a very passionate person who likes a lot to express what she feel across the words.